High-quality Chinese tea from the famous tea gardens grown in South China, the province of Yunnan. Known and valued for ages for exceptional health benefits it brings, it has its steady place in Chinese medicine. Rich in numerous biologically active compounds, such as tannins, alkaloids and flavonoids, Pu-erh tea has a positive impact on our organisms:
- supports metabolism,
- stimulates peristalsis, improves digestion,
- prevents fat deposits,
- regulates the level of cholesterol in blood,
- restores organism's proper metabolism,
- reduces body mass causing the loss of excessive fat tissue.
Pu-erh red tea helps lose excessive weight and maintain ideal figure.
Brewing instructions:
Put the teabag in a cup, pour hot water (200 ml),cover the cup.
To obtain profound taste and aroma, the tea should be brewed for 3-4 minutes.